Starting photography help.


TPF Noob!
Jul 21, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I bought my first "nice" camera about a year ago. Since then I have found that I LOVE photography. I would like to start a business in the future, but right now I need to take a few classes and find a semi-professional camera. So my question would be, what kind of camera would be best for shooting outdoor photos? I am all for canons and have been looking at a few different ones. I have an Olympus at work that I am not so fond of...I work at a portrait studio. Also, would Photoshop elements be a good starting editing software? I have just been using picnik to edit my photos on facebook and the editing software at work is not up for sale.
I love eating and would like to be a professional chef some day. I cook up a mean toast. What sort of bowls, cutlery, mixers, etc., should I buy to run my business?
While you're learning about photography, learn about running a business. You didn't ask one single business-related question in your post.

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