Stay away or Bargain ??

What will you be shooting? If it's people (or anything that can move) then I'd stay away and look at strobe/flash type lighting instead.
LMAO...Well it will be used foR portraits, friends and family :(
Im really struggling as I dont really know what I need, and what I dont to start out with. And obviosly budget is always a deciding factor
Im thinking, an umbrella, soft box and a reflector to start with ?
Anything else you would care to add as a basic starter kit. SB600 ?
Im thinking, an umbrella, soft box and a reflector to start with ?
Those are light shapers / modifiers. Start with the lights themselves and then decide which accessories you want to add.

Many people say that it's best to start with one light, and really learn how to use it properly...then add other lights as you need them.
I'm going to offer you some info i have found really informative. Go down to King street in Nottingham town centre and walk into Jacobs. They'll help you out. There not Like Jessops,there 10 times better and i think they only employ photographers(the one in glasgow only employ photographers,the manager requires them to bring in a portfolio,bit odd for a retail store,but works :))

Heres the link to their lighting tab Jacobs Digital | Studio Equipment
Regular price: $1388 :lmao:

I would say "Stay away!" Continuous lighting is sometimes good for pets and young children who may be scared by the flash of a strobe, but for regular portraiture and almost everything else, strobes are better. For not a lot more money you pick up a set of entry-level strobes from Adorama or Calumet which are actually pretty decent gear.
Yeah mate, I was considering buying them myself so asked to see the kit, They were more then happy.

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