Stop For Santa!


TPF Noob!
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I have 2 questions...

1) Which crop is better?
2) Is this shot even worth while?
Other critique?



I like the second one better. The overwhelming amount of santas plus the single yellow coat it really interesting. Too bad the coat wasn't a bright yellow, maybe a little PS work?
Yep I much prefer the 2nd one.

You also have a slight red colour cast in the picture. You could correct this by using curvces in PS.

I would also increase the saurtation by about +30. I also like the idea of increasing the brightness of the yellow shirt.

Nice pic - I love the chaos that seems to create.
Thanks for the comments so far. Just to point out, the picture was already edited in PS to give it a more cool feeling and attempt to bring out the RED in the STOP sign and all the santas.

If anyone can actually help me (as I am new with PS), I think it would be even better if I could drop everything except the red in the stop sign and the santas, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this easily. Is there even a way? Is this a good idea for this pic? maybe leave the yellow jacket in too?

Or, maybe something like this??

mentos_007 said:
first! definitely first

Always going against the grain ;) That's the great thing about photography, someone "gets" something different from each photo.

I don't personally think you are going the right way with desaturizing everything except the stop sign. You have two basic colors in this shot, red and yellow. The rest is filled with black, white and gray (could be the PS work I'm seeing). but I think it will work better without the "colorized B&W"
Happy New Year to all of u!
And secondly, nice shot. I really like the second one.
Mainly because the first one has a huge empty space on the top, which takes away from the effect the photo is supposed to give!

thirdly, the black and white one, didnt work for me, mainly because something about the STOP sign being red, and the santa's being red, give's it a sense of harmony!

Anyways, good job, and finally it all comes down to the photographer and how s/he wants to present his/her work (we are seeing it through the photographers eyes). And dont forget "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ;)
Thanks for all the feedback!

I agree with most of you on the second one. The point of the first one was it looked like the santa's were marching the mall and a friend of mine liked that idea.

I'm not home right now, but will post again attempting to up the yellow in that ladies jacket.

Happy New Year!
I dig #1 because the Santa's look like their rushing into those stores - I read a commercialization of Christmas vibe into it. I dig #2 because off that absurd 'sea of santa'. Cool shot either way that's a bizarre scene. :)

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