Storing Digital Files


TPF Noob!
Sep 18, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
My Macbook simply does not have the space to store all of my photos. I have bought an external hard drive to move photos there once I am done with them in order to free up space, but I have multiple concerns about this process. First off, I can only copy the files to the hard drive, I cannot move them over therefore I am losing the original file if I copy and then delete from my computer. Second, I have heard many times not to store files only on an external hard drive incase they become corrupted or lost or a number of other problems, but I don't have another form of storage for my pictures. I like to shoot in raw which means that it would take many CDs to store one photo session so I don't see how that can be my best option.

What should I do?
You need 2 external drives. One working drive and one backup.
You need 2 external drives. One working drive and one backup.

Might I suggest that you consider three external drives.
One working drive.
One on-site backup
One off-site backup (eg in case your house burns down)

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