Strap mount for lens?


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Oct 5, 2016
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Hey guys. I've got a Luma labs cinch strap currently and shoot with a tamron 150-600 g2. I was wondering if you knew of any solutions to attaching my strap to the lens? I currently use the arca Swiss mount from Luma labs as well attached to my battery grip. Thanks!
I'm unclear as to WHY you would want to attach a strap to that lens...or any lens, for that matter. I would expect the presence of any strap wide enough to hold the lens securely would hamper its operation, particularly in using the zoom ring.

If your intent is to have one end of the strap attached to the lens and the other end to the camera, like a large shoulder strap, I'd be very concerned with the whole thing 'breaking in two'. Although the camera mount and lens mount are both quite strong, the rest of the lens is not. I recently bumped my camera with wide angle zoom mounted from a chair to the hardwood floor (18") and the lens split apart somewhat, about 3/4" forward of the mount. The round trip to Canon cost about $250.

If your intent is to be able to carry the lens safely while moving about 'out in the wild', then you should get an appropriate sized lens case for it. Many of the cases available come with a shoulder strap as well. The Lowepro cases that I use have a very secure belt 'strap' that I use while walking around with one lens mounted and the other in the case. I presume other manufacturers have similar securements.
Like this? Attach the tripod plate to tripod mount on lens?

^This - if the balance is right.
The plate pictured is what I have on my grip right now
I was hoping more so for a small ring that's non obtrusive
I should have gone with a quick disconnect strap but at the time I didn't have the tamron in mind
Looks like that's exactly what you were looking for! If it can support the weight, it should work?

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