
Dave Maciak

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 9, 2020
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My guess the least talked about equipment we use. Favorites? Connectors? Failed leading to a tragic drop of gear? OEM or aftermarket?
When using heavier glass, BlackRapid crossbody Blackline, in conjunction with a rigid long lens support
Padded OP/TECHs and NOS Lowepros. Adequate for small MILCs and low lens tonnage.
I take the precaution of using slim zip-ties to secure both halves of those strap-to-body quick-release clips. My only near fails resulted from those clips releasing a bit too quickly!
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BlackRapid Double, but I also have hand straps on my cameras. I have a drawer full of the neck straps, that I've never used.

Small camera and short lens, clipped on the camera, bigger lens, the harness is on the lens. Walking, hiking, travel, no strap, just hand held. But I also don't carry a tripod, just a monopod. Different worlds, different tools. :encouragement:


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