Suggestions Please!


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2011
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Hi All,

Have a small budget to pick up something new. As much as I'd like something more glamorous, a new lens just isn't in the budget. I'm thinking tripod. My tripod sucks... I mean $29.99 special, sucks.

I have $150. I'd like to buy new. I'm heading to the states this weekend, and wanted to pick something up.

Suggestions for a tripod that will serve me well for landscapes, portraits, and will support a decent sized lens (I often borrow a friend's Nikon 70-200 2.8).


You can't go wrong with anything from Manfrotto or Giotto. I have a Manfrotto that runs a little more than that even without the head and it's as solid as could be, so I'm sure the lower models are as well - just be sure they are high enough without extending the center column. I had a couple of Slik tripods in the past on which various parts broke within a few years of not very heavy use. On the other hand I know someone who has used an old Slik tripod for probably 20 years and he says it still works, so who knows?

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