Sunset from tonight


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So, my wife and I were driving around getting some software for the mac, so I could upgrade it.

Low and behold -- I come out of best buy and there is this gorgeous sunset.

Behold --- now give me some credit they were taken from my phone! There is no post editing to any of these photos. I hope you enjoy



Nice but too muck black nothing on the bottom. I would crop it to be 1/2 to 2/3 less.
Great capture from the phone. Was it an iphone?

Hell no... I wouldn't be with att if they were the last carrier in the world. I have the Samsung galaxy vibrant with tmo.
Phone or no phone ... the second and third are definitely better than the first, as they observe the so-called "Rule of Thirds" and you capture more sky than ground, dividing your frame into about one third ground and two thirds sky.

Though the sky might be the reddest and most colourful in the first, that one fails in my estimation not because it was taken with a phone (that is all irrelevant here) but because you have the horizon line cut it into two equal halves. Particularly with a photo like this one, it is a fundamental mistake.

HOWEVER, with a photo like this one you need not KEEP the mistake, you have means to change it! Just a bit of cropping and voilà! :D
This is why I am building a fiberglass holder to travel with my pelican case so my camera is always safe but with me! Great catch!
Phone or no phone ... the second and third are definitely better than the first, as they observe the so-called "Rule of Thirds" and you capture more sky than ground, dividing your frame into about one third ground and two thirds sky.

Though the sky might be the reddest and most colourful in the first, that one fails in my estimation not because it was taken with a phone (that is all irrelevant here) but because you have the horizon line cut it into two equal halves. Particularly with a photo like this one, it is a fundamental mistake.

HOWEVER, with a photo like this one you need not KEEP the mistake, you have means to change it! Just a bit of cropping and voilà! :D

There's a rule? I will have to look into this rule.

The first one was caught that way cause of where I pulled over. No tree line so to speak.
It's maddening when you see a great shot and don't have your camera. Beautiful sunset.

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