My Granddaughter is Gorgeous


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Got a visit from the grandkids this weekend and my granddaughter May is 7 months old now and she is gorgeous! Had to shoot these in extreme low light at ISO 6400 so I used the big camera. Just upgraded my copy of DXO PhotoLab to version 8 and the newest noise filtering is fantastic. Nikon Z7 w/24-70mm.

Sweet. Best-of-times, technology-wise, for memorable candid kid shots.
Grandkids are great but I never thought I would one day be a great grandad. A cute little girl ...
Got a visit from the grandkids this weekend and my granddaughter May is 7 months old now and she is gorgeous! Had to shoot these in extreme low light at ISO 6400 so I used the big camera. Just upgraded my copy of DXO PhotoLab to version 8 and the newest noise filtering is fantastic. Nikon Z7 w/24-70mm.

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Right you are!
Grandkids are great but I never thought I would one day be a great grandad. A cute little girl ...
Wow! awesome. I have a 3 year old grandson who is named for his great grandfather (father of the father of my son's wife). They were able to take him as a newborn to visit great granddad just 3 months before he passed away. He and the family were very pleased that he got to see and hold his great grandson.
Beautiful. We have 10 ranging from 8 to 28. The older ones are great but the young ones are the most fun for grandparents. We are just completing a 6 day stay in the Smokies with Lil'Bit (9), we've had such a good time.

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