tethered near a dark surface


TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
in a bubble in Yorkshire, UK


Wow, how I like the "Dark Surface"-photo!!! To catch water, and nothing but water like this...! Great!
Please do put this one up into the Themes, there's a "Water"-thread there, too! Make this eternal there, will you?
Is this all from your recent holidays on Mallorca (or was it the Canary Islands?)
I absolutely love #2! Great work...you need to frame it!!!!
yeah, all from Mallorca... haven't really had a chance to do any elsewhere really and then when i went on holiday, i had all this free time :)
I've heard of a place where you email your image to them and they'll print it out onto canvas and mount it for you... but i don't know how much it will cost. Whatever it it i reckon it'll be worth it for my new house when i finally get one ;) :D

PS I'll go find the water theme :D
captain-spanky said:
yeah, all from Mallorca... haven't really had a chance to do any elsewhere really and then when i went on holiday, i had all this free time :)
I've heard of a place where you email your image to them and they'll print it out onto canvas and mount it for you... but i don't know how much it will cost. Whatever it it i reckon it'll be worth it for my new house when i finally get one ;) :D

PS I'll go find the water theme :D

I looked into it a while ago (the canvas thing) I think its around $100 australian... (cant remember what size though)
i can't really think of anything to say that hasn't been said already, so i'll just repeat everyone again...

I LOVE #2!!! :D
That's what I was just thinking as I was scrolling through all the posts! "Wow, everyone really likes #2, I must be the only one who prefers #1..." glad you're here Kara. ;)
oriecat said:
That's what I was just thinking as I was scrolling through all the posts! "Wow, everyone really likes #2, I must be the only one who prefers #1..." glad you're here Kara. ;)

I was just thinking the same thing!

I love the first one!
How did u shot it???
i was snorkelling in Mallorca with a cheap underwater camera (about £10 for one that could go 15m down) and that was one of the many shots i took with it. I had to really slightly adjust the light on the buoy itself as it was a bit dark and you couldn't see the texture on it but other than that, i was happy with how it came out... :)

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