Thanks God I am Not A Painter


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 13, 2012
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$Painter web.webp
Now there's a fun picture.

Painting is pretty fun too, though!
It's not that hard, you just go to any craft store and get a paint set and then you can turn pro..... almost like going to Best buy to get a camera to start your business.

It's not that hard, you just go to any craft store and get a paint set and then you can turn pro..... almost like going to Best buy to get a camera to start your business.

I'm taking an awful visual arts class right now and was joking about this today. The "art" I'm studying is just plain awful. My 3 year old does similar work. I suggested I should try selling his work. :biglaugh:
I'm taking an awful visual arts class right now and was joking about this today. The "art" I'm studying is just plain awful. My 3 year old does similar work. I suggested I should try selling his work. :biglaugh:

Your mistake was taking an awful visual arts class, if you'd taken an excellent visual arts class you'd be studying some excellent art right now.


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