the 50mm conundrum...HELP!!


TPF Noob!
Aug 16, 2007
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Ottawa, Canada
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Okay - so, got a XTI with kit lens and a 70-300 Sigma APO. Now am looking into the prime lenses and am looking at the two (affordable for me) Canon 50mm's. My choices are:
  1. the 1.8 at $135 after taxes, or
  2. the 1.4 at a much larger $450 after taxes
I fully expect to stay with Canon for a number of years and am planning a switch to a higher end body in a about two years, so whichever lens I choose can be seen as an investment. BUT - is the difference in quality, focus (I hear the 1.8 searches a ton...), and general output worth this much dough?

Please let me know what you think, especially if you've shot both.

PS - I bought the 1.8 last night and will try it out after work tonight. The 1.4 is on order and can upgrade.
I'd say save your money and get the 1.8 however I realized I am comparing my Mark I to the 1.4, not a Mark II(what you'd be buying). When I owned one of those the manual focus was next to impossible, and the lens would take a while to autofocus. Pictures were tack shapr and wonderful though! I'd say, get the 1.4 if you can afford it, if not, the 1.8 will still get you good photos, you'll just have to baby its little plastic shell from dings (mine snapped in half, it had a hairline crack in it NEW out of packaging, and one day when changine directions of the camera quickly, the whole glass assembly came flying out............. I loved that lens, but compared to the version I have now (discontinued in 1991 or 1992 I think) I couldn't stand using one in practice anymore.
The 1.4 is a great lens, my default on my 5D. Well built, fast to focus, and creates a lovely image. You will be quite pleased with it as a long-term lens investment.
I would definitely go with the 50mm f1.4 if you are planning on using it for a long time. It's really solid and well built.
I've bought 2 Canon 50 1.8s in the last 5 years, and each both have been sharp as a tack and a pleasure to use. I sold 1 with a body, and the other broke due to my error (dropping). I've toyed with buying another, and there is no hesitation, other than the fact that I'd like full time manual focus, which the 1.4 offers. For the money, the 1.8 is a stunning lens.
why would you pay $135 for the 1.8??? i got mine for 60. in fact, i havnt seen anyone sell it at that price ever.
The MKI runs around there, if you can find it. It is metal vs plastic and also discontinued, which accounts for the price.

I paid $55 for my Mark I :) I bought it from an old man selling like 10 EOS film cameras and like 2 lenses at this photography swap meet thing. This was one of the lenses.
I would pay $135 for the 1.8 because I live in Canada, and despite the fact our dollar is now on par with American, prices haven't changed. Unfortunately this is the price everywhere...Henry's, Futureshop etc. I considered ordering the 1.4mm. online, but it's still $300 from the States, and once I get shipping and customs etc. in there it is going to cost almost the same as from Henry's!!

THanks for all your input guys - I shot with it tonight (it was a beautiful day all day, sunny and almost zero - until I got off work...I think it dropped by 20 celcius! I hate Murphy and his law) and am really happy with the results! I was surprised at how I didn't feel cramped or limited with the fixed focal length. In a way it was almost exhilarating to NOT have the ability to "zoom". Must say, despite the fact the Camera store guy said the 1.8 is great and not to get the 1.4, am still considering it. Have only heard great things! has really good prices. not sure if they ship to canada or not, but just figured i'd let you know!

I traded in my 3 week old Canon 50mm. 1.8 for the 50mm. 1.4 and all I can say is WOW! The build is light years better, the manual focus ring is actually usable, and you don't have to switch back and forth to use it!! Have already seen the difference the 2/3's stop makes. All in all, well worth the cash! This is my new default.

THanks everyone for your input - was invaluable!!!!!!!

Try checking around on the internet and you can pick up a used one of either of those lenses for a lot cheaper. I have seen quite a few that were being sold by people that live in Cananda for much less than that. Having said that, I don't have any experience with the 1.4 but i have had a 1.8 for quite some time now. It feels pretty cheap and the AF motor is not the best but it is a good value for what you get, it has great IQ.
f/1.4, f/1.8... in the real world, how many of you actually consistantly use that big an aperture? I own the 50-f/1.8 and a 30-f/1.4 and if wide open, DOF is so shallow that it is often difficult to get the front of a face in there without blurring the back half of the face... and sharpness actually increases once you get above f/2.8 and really starts to shine at around f/4.

It's nice to have, and why I bought both, but in truth, its rare that I go that wide open unless I am just playing.

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