The Ban the person above you game!!

When you "draw" your curtains, will they be see-through?

Apparently Hertz's will be!
Comical? It's more like frustrating. The edge of the bathtub is blocking our view of the good bits...
So THAT'S why I am getting all those phone calls.. Hmmm Explains a lot!
No, that's me. I get so embarrassed that I get tongue-tied and can't speak. Which triggers my asthma so it just sounds like a heavy breathing call.

The judge believed it last time.
Well that's what the last guy said. And he got off too!! Man, I am going to have to work on my excuses if that's what it takes to get off.
Why don't you try washing it out with soap and water instead?
I blame all those big Swedish meatballs you keep popping into your mouth.
Haha, wow dirty food humor! Nice..

Reminds me of one of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits.. with Alec Baldwin. He was doing a "radio show" about his Schweddie balls.. *some cheese ball* named after his character Sam Schweddie I think.. lol

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