The Coffee House

Oh, I forgot to mention that I was shooting in a park yesterday with my film camera. There were a few people doing the same but with digital. I was minding my own business taking crappy pictures as usual and some guy and gal came up to me because they heard the film advancing motor, N75. They asked me why I was using film and in so many words told me I was stupid, how film is dead, etc. I literally wanted to knock the guy out because I was minding my own business and focused on something. Rude. I played dumb and said it is was the best camera I had at this time as to the reason I was using it. They just kept on and I finally said there was only 5 minutes left of this golden light and I'll never get back the 5 they just took... I love dogs more than humans come to mind.

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Grrrrrr :angry:
I cut them off when they started telling me why I should use digital.

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Well you could have been really mean, let them lecture you and act as if you were completely interested, then ask to see their digital camera and "accidentally" drop it.

Then smile innocently and say, oh right - now I remember why I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on an expensive digital camera. I'm a klutz, and they're built like crap.

Thanks man. Good talk.

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Well you could have been really mean, let them lecture you and act as if you were completely interested, then ask to see their digital camera and "accidentally" drop it.

Then smile innocently and say, oh right - now I remember why I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on an expensive digital camera. I'm a klutz, and they're built like crap.

Thanks man. Good talk.

They had a Canon 7 I think, that would have been some bad mojo there.

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What a couple of maroons.

Buenas Tardes Coffee Hosers. It is a windy and cool day. Gary moved some patio furniture around, a number of these Rubbermaid cabinets, a wooden bar complete with a small wine frig and Gary's BBQ's all got moved for greater efficiency and visual improvements. Gary can hardly wait for the next BBQ/dinner party. Presently, he is in a sweatshirt, sitting at the patio table, drinking some mint-lemon water, listening to KUSC admiring his work.
Hey hosers. I'm going to try to get to bed very early tonight. At this point, I lose motivation and patience very quickly, so if I want to get any work done, I'm going to have to do it in the morning, before all my will-power has left my body. That means early to bed for this night owl!
Gary has retreated inside. He is having a spot of hot orange-mango tea and watching the Angel/KC game. A few drops of rain have fallen from the gray sky ... But the clouds are breaking up and unfortunately the rain has stopped. Gary would rather be watching the Dodger-Padre game, but Gary doesn't have Time-Warner ... Like sucks. Gary likes dogs better than Time-Warner.
Buenas Tardes Coffee Hosers. It is a windy and cool day. Gary moved some patio furniture around, a number of these Rubbermaid cabinets, a wooden bar complete with a small wine frig and Gary's BBQ's all got moved for greater efficiency and visual improvements. Gary can hardly wait for the next BBQ/dinner party. Presently, he is in a sweatshirt, sitting at the patio table, drinking some mint-lemon water, listening to KUSC admiring his work.
I'm listening to LA Phil right now as I take a break from a Python programming project for a long time customer of mine. He occasionally asks for some challenging application tweaks. Wish I could visit... Some day I will.

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Walking through Purple Rain.

Many of the streets of La Mirada are lined with Jacaranda trees. Unfortunately, the falling blossoms are a fitting tribute of Purple Rain.
Gary has retreated inside. He is having a spot of hot orange-mango tea and watching the Angel/KC game. A few drops of rain have fallen from the gray sky ... But the clouds are breaking up and unfortunately the rain has stopped. Gary would rather be watching the Dodger-Padre game, but Gary doesn't have Time-Warner ... Like sucks. Gary likes dogs better than Time-Warner.
I caught a couple innings of the Tigers A's game but needed to make a little extra cash as the wife put a small dent in the account today with her Nissan Murano Platinum purchase. Wanted $22k from dealer for the 2012 Enclave but only got 17.5K. Vehicles are such a flippin losing proposition, generally speaking. Now I got to spend weeks teaching her all the tech stuff but I must say, she has grown quite a bit with that stuff. She hasn't got a virus on her Windows PC in 8 years, so apparently she does listen to me on occasion.

Here it is in the garage. My garage smells like rubber. New cars... Got to make up 22K in the fund...

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Nice JC. Gary and Mary Lou are over their car love affairs and we both drive older vehicles. Gary likes not having a car payment. But he does appreciate those who don't mind the burden.
Nice JC. Gary and Mary Lou are over their car love affairs and we both drive older vehicles. Gary likes not having a car payment. But he does appreciate those who don't mind the burden.
I don't have one either. I am adamant about that. I only pay cash for vehicles no matter how painful the loss is initially. Take the hit now, recover later. Get the bleeding over with. The wife likes nice stuff, I wish she was more thrifty because I could buy her a total wreck and fix it up safely but with a salvage title. She would get a nice new like vehicle for at least a break even financially. She is not having any of that. She works hard and deserves it but crap, no financial common sense. Oh well, happy wife means less yelling at me. Time to pee in the tub.

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