The Defining Moment


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2012
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Hi all,

I would like some generalk feedback on this pic. Comments, critiques, and suggestions are all welcomed.

Pretty nice capture, good action shot. sucks that the fence is in the way, but guessing you have no control over that.
Thanks for the thoughts. No control over the fence but I actually thought it framed the shot nicely and gave the image added context. That was one of the things I was hoping to hear people's thoughts on.
I like the fence and too tougher that it frames the photo. Also, it adds to the baseball theme... It's pretty well known that you're looking through a fence.
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I like it a lot! The fence "frame" is just fine, IMO. Kind of like a geometric, metallic vingette. Certainly no worse, and way better than the cars and idle player in the background.
I really like the scene that was captured here, and also think that the fence adds to the photo. Nice shot!
It does act like a real life vignetting instead of a fake photoshop that part of it is kinda cool. Definitely helps that you were aware of it and used it in that manner, so kudos on that.
I really like the shot. Now, figure out how to get the ball in the glove in view. Might have to ask them to replay the scene and you being in the infield to capture this vantage point... Nah. I think you did well.
I actually like the fence being there... I think maybe the only thing I don't like is that you can't tell who has the ball.
Thanks All. It is a good and valid point about the ball. I wished the catcher was turned just a bit so that I had caught a glimpse of it in his glove. I too thought the fence acted as a sort of vignette. It was nice to hear others thought the same thing.

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