When she came home with the island, or rather: when she phoned me and asked me to collect her from school by car since she was sure she'd not be able to bring the island home in the school bus (and I have to agree: it would have been too much of a challenge) and she came out of the school building with this in her hands, I was very, very impressed.
I knew she was working on it and had seen her church being built at home, and the matchstick houses, and listened to her telling me about the "wonderful water we made", but I had never imagined this!
A pity that the whole island is all wilted by now ... she'd either have to put in new plants at regular intervals or spread some real humus all over it (but the foundation is only carton paper, and it is heavy as it is!) so that the plants would grow ... but how should we water them? Most of this is papier maché!!!
I should show you some of my pics and those of Sabine taking these pics, maybe?