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The old factory

Good lighting. I feel like these lack tonal contrast. The best example is in the last one, where her body is quite difficult to decipher from the background, as well as in the first shot, where the shadow she casts on the wall behind her blends in with her body, causing the line of her body form to be a little bit difficult to follow on the right side (her left). I would also consider removing the two horizontal lines on the wall the intersect with her torso and her head in the first shot. I know you like leading lines, but I particularly think the one going through her head isn't working well to compliment the composition.
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3 and 4 take the prize from me. Both because of the expression on her face and the way she's holding her body. The lighting is adjustable, body position and facial expression aren't.
That's my two pence worth, whether you're getting value for money is subjective. ;)
They're processed dark and very very flat. I would go with a brighter and closer to normal contrast (full histogram) presentation.


They're processed dark and very very flat. I would go with a brighter and closer to normal contrast (full histogram) presentation.


View attachment 134049

To me at least, dark and flat fits the setting of a dingy old factory. The re-edit looks too plain to me. Thank you for the input though, interesting to get other perspectives.

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