“The Scratch-Off…”


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Aug 2, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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Shot in the fabled XPAN aspect ratio “in camera” 65:24 to mimic the XPAN experience.

Thanks For Looking,

Vertorama's typically require more discrimination on scene selection, unfortunately this isn't a good choice for it. Panoramas are a little less scene specific. I've heard XPAN called a curse....cursed to want it, cursed to realize you don't really use it in real life, cursed when you sell it.
But the portrait part gets an A+!

No disagreement there.

The problem with any non native aspect ratio is you don't magically change the sensor size, you crop it off. A 100mp medium format sensor becomes 50mp in XPAN crop. You end up losing the advantages of the larger sensor. This is the same reason I don't use crop mode in my full frame in camera
No disagreement there.

The problem with any non native aspect ratio is you don't magically change the sensor size, you crop it off. A 100mp medium format sensor becomes 50mp in XPAN crop. You end up losing the advantages of the larger sensor. This is the same reason I don't use crop mode in my full frame in camera
Crop mode is exactly the same as cropping in post. Other than someone who needs an enlarged view on a distant subject, I've never seen the use.
Crop mode is exactly the same as cropping in post. Other than someone who needs an enlarged view on a distant subject, I've never seen the use.

You will have the same pixel count but with crop mode on in camera, low light performance and DR degrades due to the SNR increase from the smaller sensor area. An interesting read - Sensor size and SNR

Here's my cliff notes summation from a previous debate on the same thing -
The reflected light from your subject is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that’s visible to human eyes, and includes shot noise, random noise caused by the uneven emission of photons from their source. Since shot noise is caused by an inherent property of light it cannot be reduced by camera design, it can only be reduced by raising the total light recorded.
The distribution and magnitude of noise isn’t entirely uniform. The brighter parts of an image will exhibit less visible noise than the darker shawdows. More pixels on a larger sensor provide more useable light, making the noise less visable.

This has been debated here on TPF with the general consensus being there is no real advantage to using crop mode in camera but there are disadvantages, as in SNR increases and DR reductions.
Thank you all for your comments and input until the next frame...


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