The Sun


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2011
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Chicago, IL
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I climbed on a train platform to try and get a shot of the setting sun, couldn't get a good view as it wasn't high enough but I thought the colors of the sky were pretty funky.

Then yesterday while waiting for the local fireworks on top of a 6 story parking garage I realized, "Oh hey, why didn't I take sunset photos up here".

The first one is great. Rails and lamp posts creat some great clean lines that compliment clean colors of the sunset.
Thanks. What's crazy about that shot is I didn't bring my tripod with me so I was quite happy my horizon was mostly level.
I quite like the first as well, especially how the rails reflect the sky. Pretty cool.

Also, just as an aside, I hope you don't feel like you always need a tripod for a level horizon.
Awesome photos! What settings did you use for the first one, if you dont mind me asking? And perhaps what camera/lens are you shooting with? I had a few situations where the lighting looked pretty similar but my photos didnt turn out too well
I quite like the first as well, especially how the rails reflect the sky. Pretty cool.

Also, just as an aside, I hope you don't feel like you always need a tripod for a level horizon.

Oh I am aware but I like carrying my tripod around to minimize motion blur in low light.

Awesome photos! What settings did you use for the first one, if you dont mind me asking? And perhaps what camera/lens are you shooting with? I had a few situations where the lighting looked pretty similar but my photos didnt turn out too well

Nikon D3 with Nikon 35mm f/1.4 @ 1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 280, -1EV and spot metering.
Wonderfull pictures.

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