The Wildlife Photo MISSES Thread...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 8, 2011
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the south
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I know we all have had them. so I want to start this thread for anyone to post photos that are interesting, yet they just don't really make your keeper list, or at least your show off list due to quality, or ISO noise, or just huge crops, or any other reason.

so this thread is to post up what could have been. say lighting was not good, autofocus didn't work, camera was in the wrong settings, etc...

I know its not really the norm to post up photos that are not good, but if like me, I sometimes am just too far away or too slow of a shutter speed to capture what may have been a very interesting photo.

I will start it off with these:

this was my closest encounter with a barred owl, it was in a swamp and I got to spend 10 or so minutes photographing it. but the light was very bad, so these photos show a lot of noise, I did have a flash but you have to be very carful with those big eyes of owls and flashes, yet most encounters with barred owls happen in a dense swamp. I did come away with a few ok photos, but I wished I had a couple clean shots with just the meal


a very heavy almost 100% crop of a head on osprey grabbing a fish from the water.

100% crop of a bunch of eagles in the distance.

green heron grabbing a fish out the water, to lighting was very harsh.
Oh how fun, I could post tens of thousands of my shots here. But 2 recent owl shots came to mind... Owls with branches or is it branches with owls :)

Yes, i thinks branches are sometimes my worst enemy
Of all my near misses, this one probably smarts the most:

Was shooting one when another came in for a landing, and missed. Managed to get him in the frame, but the DOF wasn't set (I wasn't expecting a second bird to suddenly come into the frame) so the focus is off. Grrr... Lol
Well, let's see: What type of problem shall I pick first? Too noisy? Out of focus? Subject cut off?
Oh, how about we just hit 'em all at once:

This was the sole sighting I got of an extremely rare bird for our area, a Scissor-tailed Kite. I was one of the lucky few who even got to SEE it, but dang, that thing was flying WAY up high. Really had to do a mega-cropping job:

This one reminds me of a line from The Grinch: "Oh the NOISE, NOISE, NOISE, NOISE!!" :lmao:
Am I allowed to count my dog as wild life?? She is wild, and alive. :) I Adore this shot of her, but she jumped out of my focus plane right as I shot!


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This was the sole sighting I got of an extremely rare bird for our area, a Scissor-tailed Kite. I was one of the lucky few who even got to SEE it, but dang, that thing was flying WAY up high. Really had to do a mega-cropping job:
View attachment 61862
I see your Kite and raise you a Mississippi Kite. Also a very rare bird here and a downright horrible shot...

Bird for ID? by krisinct, on Flickr






Just a day at the zoo. I swear the animals had plotted a conspiracy to turn their backside to me all day long.
Lol on the bum shots
As this owl turned this morning all I could think of was this thread. I thought I was still on spot metering, but I somehow had switched to matrix or center... Inspired by Kundalini :) Also a good example of banding being underexposed by 3 stops.. hmm might have to throw it in that thread too... :)

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