Three different BW Conversions


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 18, 2014
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Hi All,

Have a look at the following BW Conversions and let me know which one you prefer or hate:

NIC Silver Efex

Luminar Neo

Affinity HDR / Tonemap

All comments welcome.

Unfortunately I'm not a fan of any of them. 🙄
Quite a few online tutorials for the Nik plug-ins, especially Silver Efex which I use regularly. Underrated product IMHO.
Very nice image! I'd take your 3rd candidate and do some more work on it.
Like the image. Simply think Silver Efex could deliver waaay more with some tweaking.
Take a look at my "Lived-in Pontiac" shot in the Automotive forum.
To me, each one evokes a different emotion. I like the 3rd one the best, but I couldn't tell you why 🤔
Like the image. Simply think Silver Efex could deliver waaay more with some tweaking.
Take a look at my "Lived-in Pontiac" shot in the Automotive forum.
I had a wee look and the image sets off my OCD with the blown whites / blacks:


Its a great image but not one I would try to emulate.

Unfortunately I'm not a fan of any of them. 🙄

Thats a wee bit vague.

The forum will not let me upload the NEF so see above a big JPG of the RAW file . Please feel free to have a go yourself.

Not sure of the point of this unless it amounts to a SFX tutorial, i.e., showing the edits that lead to a final image.
Thats a wee bit vague
I will admit that they look a little better full size on a desktop. The problem I see is a scene with a wide DR. A histogram shows you with a full file, but most of the data within that range is limited to high and low midtones, creating a flat image with muddled whites and blacks. Blowing specular highlights isn't always a bad thing, when dealing with a wide DR, it becomes the lesser of two evils. I suspect this is similar to what CGW was alluding to in an earlier comment. The alternative here would've been to bracket the exposure and combine them post.
Not sure of the point of this unless it amounts to a SFX tutorial, i.e., showing the edits that lead to a final image.
The point was to ask people what they prefer. Three very different BW conversions will attract opinions and that is what I am looking for.

My photo club always seems to prefer BW over colour images and it is rare that a colour image will ever be in the top three of a given competition. I have not done a lot of BW conversions and I am actually not sure what I regard as a good BW image but seeing what other people like / dislike is helping me to form an opinion of my own.


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