Through he eyes of a 13 year old...

David A

TPF Noob!
Aug 17, 2005
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Like the title says...I was just about 13 when I took these pictures. It's been about 4 years and ever since then, I have been completely hooked on photography...

I took these while I was working at my summer camp, Camp Lone Oak, which is located in central Florida. It's a boy scout camp and in my opinion, on of the most beautiful places on earth.

If I remember correctly, the camera that I used to take these was a Kodak Easy-Share that was running in the 3mp range. It also had a built in sephia mode which I thought was pretty you can see. I was actually very lucky to have found these pictures...While cleaning out an old bag of mine, I found this CD with the name Camp 2001 written across it...My eyes lit up with joy.

Anyway, these are probably my favorite pictures that I have, most likely because they simply are my first...

Hope you enjoy them...Sorry for such a long, seemingly pointless intro...





TheCanonMan said:
i love the old ford looks to be a 1973 or 74 f100

Your guess is much better than mine...I have no clue as to what it was...

Middlemarch said:
Awesome! Love the first two -- keep up the great work!

Thanks...those are also my two personal favorites...
love those sepia shots, much better than my first shots ;)
Wow, great eye for being so young. You definitely had a great start! The composition of all of them are great. The DOF in the last is excellent.
photo gal said:
That's one heck of a start there! That first one rocks. I look forward to seeing some of your recent work! : )

Thanks everyone...

I have posted a few threads and here and there...

Anyway, I'm 17 now and I finally have gotten a film SLR about a month ago and I haven't been able to put it down.

I'll post up some more pictures when I get home. :)
thebeginning said:
sweet, another 17 year old! we seem to be getting so many...

cool shots, that first one is really good!!

Really? I guess that it's just hard to tell someone's age on here being that a good picture is a good picture no matter who takes it.
You definitely had "the eye" at 13 already! Quite nice. I think my earliest (still existing) photos were taken when I was 15 - some of them amaze me today and I wonder what made me compose them in the way I did. But I sure did not have the material to achieve such a "shallow DOF" photos like you did when photographing the flower. But then you were 13 only just 4 years ago and I was 15 two-thirds of my entire life ago... ;)

For some obscure reason, your photo No.3 does not show up for me, but thankfully you numbered them, so I can say that I like the atmosphere of Photo 4. Maybe you could tone it down a bit ... it has some very bright areas (on my monitor it does).

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