Tokina 11-16 2.8 DX II worth fixing?


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2014
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Well, I foolishly got too close to an ocean wave on a beach in Maui and my one week old Tokina 11-16mm DXII wide-angle suffered the consequences. Sand in rings and possible moisture damage. My Nikon D60 had an error message as the lens autofocus ceased functioning. I sent the lens in to the Tokina service centre in Huntington Beach, California and received a repair estimate for a total of $261.90 ($71.90 parts, $175 labor and $15 shipping). An overhaul is needed as they say the electrical components are corroded. The CPU needs to be replaced.

The lens was just purchased for $550.00. The warranty will not apply in this situation of course.

Is it worth repairing for half of what it cost? It WAS a good lens.


I would .. the repair cost is still HALF of a new one.
I guess it also depends upon how much expendable income you have laying around.
I too own and love this lens. Life is full of unexpected things and sometimes things happen, last month alone i paid like $400 on speeding tickets. If you love this lens then bring it in for fixing, any lenses that are noticeably better than the Tokina 11-16 dxii cost well over a grand, so you are going to pay either way it just depends on how much you want to pay.
Thanks for the replies. I shall have it fixed. These things happen. It still worked in manual.

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