Tonight's full moon!


TPF Noob!
May 22, 2013
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Lorain, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
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Took a few pics of the moon tonight! Enjoy! Tried to add a lil contrast to it as someone here mentioned it will look better!! I think it does help! Thanks for the tip!

not bad, they look exposed okay, but a little OOF, are you trying to autofocus on it? AF will almost never get it right with the moon since seeing conditions will vary greatly dependant on a whole number of factors. its hard with the moon shooting through the atmosphere, but what can really help is to manual focus using live view zoomed in all the way to make sure you're getting it to its best point...(that is assuming you can do that on your finepix, I'm not familiar with it's functionality)

also try shooting when the moon ISNT full....I know it seems like a full moon would be the ideal time to shoot it, but full moon lighting sucks, its flat and direct and washes out the real surface details, if you can shoot it when you're at ~50% or even less (really any other time except full or new moons), you'll get MUCH more interesting surface details out of the harsh sidelighting.
Well that kicks the snot out of mine! haha...

I don't know how to make my camera manual focus? I will try to search and figure it out! Had it at 30x zoom on a tripod on manual mode then put a 2 second timer on and hit the button then it does auto focus and take a shot after 2 seconds. What does OFF mean? You mean like not right off? Just asking cause you capitalized it so didn't know if that is abbreviation or something? lol. Sorry I am new to this stuff. I posted a few more pix in a post below this of the moon half and quarter full. Seems they come out better when half full in my opinion. Alot more craters show up! Thanks for the tips! I am gonna see if my camera has manual focus. I think it does.
OOF = out of focus, you'll get used to the abbreviations.

yeah if its autofocusing then that's totally why. I really have no idea what your camera can/cant do, you may be very limited on manual controls with it, check the manual out and see if it'll let you manual focus.

I'll have to take a look at the other thread with your pics in it.
Now that I look I do not think it does! That sux! lol

that does suck, I was checking your other thread and those ones do look alot better though, AF will be hit or miss with the moon, you might just be stuck with what you get without manual focus. unfortunately its one of the downfalls of a P&S/Bridge like that.
Ya it sucks! I can't manual focus with this cam. I looked everywhere online to see if ya could and nothing. Also it seems in manual or aperture modes I can only switch to 2 diff aperture sizes but in shutter mode I can pick whatever shutter speed you want but if its low light its a always a black screen if I use 1000th like people say for nature pix in any mode unless I am in very bright sun or aiming at the blue sky. I can only pick f3.1 or f8.0 aperature at lowest zoom but if you zoom in the f/numbers do change but only can still pick 2 choices??? Makes no sense,. I googled it and people were complaining about it too. Oh well it was free. I will invest in a better cam when I get some money but for now its better then my point and shoots I have and my cell phone! lol Thanks for the tips again!
free is good :D....yeah, save up and do some research and upgrade when you're able to and are ready.

if you like moon and other astrophotography you could even get a telescope and mount a DSLR to it. thats what I do as well as a few others around here.

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