not bad, they look exposed okay, but a little OOF, are you trying to autofocus on it? AF will almost never get it right with the moon since seeing conditions will vary greatly dependant on a whole number of factors. its hard with the moon shooting through the atmosphere, but what can really help is to manual focus using live view zoomed in all the way to make sure you're getting it to its best point...(that is assuming you can do that on your finepix, I'm not familiar with it's functionality)
also try shooting when the moon ISNT full....I know it seems like a full moon would be the ideal time to shoot it, but full moon lighting sucks, its flat and direct and washes out the real surface details, if you can shoot it when you're at ~50% or even less (really any other time except full or new moons), you'll get MUCH more interesting surface details out of the harsh sidelighting.