Too Hot, Massive Heat Wave, Can't Stand It, My Camera is Cooking!!!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 17, 2012
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San Jose, Cali, The Heart of Silicon Valley
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I have been taken several shootings from morning, noon, then evening. I have been sweating and my DSLR is cooking hot! I can't stand this weather! I hope my DSLR will not die on me. It is freakin hot in my home town! I hope the new canon 70D has a cooling system, and it coming in July! That maybe a good timing!
It's supposed to hit the 120 degree mark in some areas of the American southwest this weekend, according to an article I saw on-line last night. yesterday, one of the TPF shooters here posted a pic on her FB page of her car thermometer registering 114 degrees Farenheit.

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