Trying Out My New Lens. Sigma 800mm


TPF Noob!
Sep 9, 2012
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Hey all,

Just got my new lens yesterday and got myself out in the garden to try it out. No tripod yet, looking forward to getting one. So all handheld practice at the moment. Pretty tough with the wind the last few days, pretty heavy as well. Enjoy.

800mm Lens Practice Handheld (Dove) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr

800mm Lens Practice Handheld (Pigeon on roof) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr

800mm Lens Practice Handheld (Bird in the tree) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr

Sigma 800mm Handheld (Collared Dove) (2) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr

Sigma 800mm Handheld (Jackdaw) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr

Sigma 800mm Handheld (3) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr

Took all day to get a flying shot haha, late in the afternoon.

Sigma 800mm Handheld (First try of a flying seagull late afternoon) by SupaSmokey, on Flickr
Sweet. So with a tripod and a gimble head, what kind of shutter do you use when snapping a flying bird no crop?
Between 500-800 shutter speed. Only a little crop in that picture. It was pretty far away in someone else's garden. Look forward to getting down the beach to get closer for flying gulls. Be much better with a tripod. Also look forward to summer light winds much better light.
That lens is HUGE!!!
Yes it sure is, I knew it was gonna be heavy when I got it, was surprised on the size tho. Just to compare, here is my 100-400mm with the 800mm. Just to add I think the 300-800mm would be better as I really do miss the zoom. But it was an extra £1000 just for that.

Sigma 800mm Lens with my Canon 100-400mm L Lens by SupaSmokey, on Flickr
They look great!


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Nice shots! Congrats on the lens!!! Oh, also, well done on hand held !

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