Two galaxies


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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Now that we're into galaxy season, I switched over to my Celestron 8" SCT for imaging smaller targets. The last few clear nights have been a welcome change from the persistent clouds. I was able to image both M51 and the Needle Galaxy over three nights. M51 is actually two galaxies with the larger of the two consuming the smaller one. This galaxy is oriented face on to us, showing a lot of great detail. The Needle Galaxy is oriented edge on, showing us its narrow profile. It's also flanked on one side by a smaller galaxy.

-Celestron 8" EdgeHD scope with 0.7x reducer.
-ZWO ASI2600MC Pro cooled camera
-ZWO EAF focuser
-iOptron HAE43 Strain Wave Gear mount
-Optolong L-Pro light pollution filter
-Pegasus Astro Mini Powerbox
-Orion 60mm guide scope
-Orion Starshoot autoguider
-Controlled with a MeLE Quieter3Q mini PC running Windows

-Sequence Generator Pro for acquisition
-PixInsight and Photoshop for image processing
-PHD2 guiding software

-250 x 120sec subexposures
-calibrated with 15 each darks, flats, and dark flats
-Total integration time of 8.5hrs

Needle Galaxy
-132 x 120sec subexposures
-calibrated with 15 each darks, flats, and dark flats
-Total integration time of 4.4hrs

M51 27 February 2024.webp

Needle Galaxy
Needle Galaxy 29 February 2024.webp

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