two take's, two times


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
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Bailey, Colorado
Can others edit my Photos
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I spent some time messing about with my macro lens. I got two of each flower that I was relatively satisfied with. 1&2 were taken in the studio with my huge soft box and a reflector. 3&4 were lit with ambient window light.

Critique and suggestions are always appreciated! (as well as information on flower species, I have no idea what these are.)




I like 1 and 3 best. 2 has flat lighting and 4 has an unoriginal perspective. I like the angle of the photo on 3 and I like the light in 1. Although I would tone the highlights down just a hair in 1.
Just my 2 cents YMMV.
I really like 1 and 3, also......come to think of it, I also like 4....
One and three, for me; I like the angles.

Nice job, BTW.
I like 1 and 3 best. 2 has flat lighting and 4 has an unoriginal perspective. I like the angle of the photo on 3 and I like the light in 1. Although I would tone the highlights down just a hair in 1.
Just my 2 cents YMMV.
Yeah, I had the same instinct on the highlights. Unfortunately I have recovered them the best I can already.
I really like 1 and 3, also......come to think of it, I also like 4....
Thank you!
One and three, for me; I like the angles.

Nice job, BTW.
Thanks, SnowBear! Glad to hear you liked them!
3 and 4 for me, I like the lighting and the angles. :)
3 and 4 for me, I like the lighting and the angles. :)

Ok, so before I comment, were any spiders harmed in the making of these photos?


I like 3 the best.
No spiders, but the flowers ended up dying shortly after. I'm not sure if it was coincidence, or if I had a part in that. ;-)

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