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Jul 20, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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edit: added a new image to the original post.


Hope you enjoy :)
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Yes, boorifur indeed. I enjoyed looking at this image.
Stellar work on the technical side, but I'm afraid this one just doesn't work for me in the artistic department; WHY is she floating in a sitting position?
I think the color is beautiful, and the presentation manages to be completely seamless.

To add to what tirediron already said, "Why is she floating?"

I think this is a legit question. There are so many images that are using the "floating body" these days that the idiom has become cliched. Flickr is bombarded with pretty "floating people" shots. I think it really needs to go a step further and have a strong concept in order to transcend its trendiness and become a meaningful piece of work.

Again, it is beautifully executed, but it feels more or less the same as every other beautifully executed floating person on Flickr.
Hehe this is the only forum where no one see she is under water.
I'm a bit iffy on this one. Yes, it looks very pretty just in-your-face "oooooh" but on closer inspection the illusion breaks for me pretty quickly. Her clothes are obviously not wet, nor are the curtains, etc.

It's better than the photos I ever take, but it's AIMING even higher than that, so in terms of delivering on a promise, it backfires a little bit to my eye.

Would have been a lot more epic (although I understand vastly more difficult and expensive) to shoot her actually underwater then edit in. Also possibly the curtains underwater (could use lime green ones in a pool and reverse-greenscreen them in as white here). Fabric underwater simply looks hugely different than anything you can accomplish with a fan or gravity alone.
Well the whole thing is created in 3d, even the curtains. If the effect would be much better to be taken under water, for sure. But not within my budget :)
I like what you're trying to do: it's ambitious, and the retouching is good, but the concept and approach needs refining imo.
You need someone - a guy, traditional smart casual - wearing an antique diving helmet, sitting in the blue chair, reading a broadsheet newspaper. (Air supply line extending from his helmet, up towards the ceiling.)

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