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Jul 10, 2014
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Some of the members of my camera club are in a tumble over there photos going up on the clubs website without their names attached. Their worried that there images could be used or copied and they would have no come back or copyrights because their not named. Should they be worried, I don’t personally thing so really. Opinions.....:popcorn:
Not sure how things stand in Ireland as far as that goes; assuming it's based on the British Common Law model (as Canadian is), then copyright is inherent with creation of the work. That said, the usual cautions apply to work posted on line: If it can be seen, it can be stolen, and if can be, assume it will be.
Not sure how things stand in Ireland as far as that goes; assuming it's based on the British Common Law model (as Canadian is), then copyright is inherent with creation of the work. That said, the usual cautions apply to work posted on line: If it can be seen, it can be stolen, and if can be, assume it will be.

Well that’s what I assumed but I don’t think having ones name underneath would deter anyone stealing it, would be what I said to them. The website people almost fell down a flight of stairs in there hast to get these up and they only did 3/4 job then, people are just annoyed I guess.
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Your comment about doing 3/4 of the job reminds me of the old saying: "Why is there never enough time to do it right, but always enough time to do it over?"

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