Need opinions!
I'm somewhere between advanced amateur and semi-pro. I currently have a D60 with 2 basic zooms. Yes, it's a beginner camera but it's all I could afford when I purchased it. I've been shooting for over 30 years using: Minolta XG-1 and x700, Canon AE-1P, Nikon N8008, Mamiya Medium Format, Omega 4x5 view camera, fujifilm digital and then the D60. Plus lots of time in the darkroom.
I now want to move up to something more suited for my experience. I want to keep the D60 as a backup.
I'm going to purchase a D700, but I've now lost my mind trying to figure out what lenses I should get. Money isn't the real issue, I just don't want to make stupid choices.
I started off thinking about the 85mm 1.4g because I want to grow in the area of portraits. But now the 85mm 1.8g confused me. I would like to have some fast lenses. I'm trying to decide if I want primes, zooms or a combination. I shoot just about anything except sports. Lots of nature, some closeups.
Here is my Flickr page so you can see what I'm doing.
I'm trying to create my lens list (1,2,3,4) and I've researched to the point of brain fry and I need some help.
I would really appreciate some thoughts and advice.
I believe you were asking the same thing over at the Nikon Cafe. IMHO no one can advise what lenses to buy. That all depends on what your needs are. If you can't figure out what your needs are your in the wrong hobby/profession. Your putting the cart before the horse. Best of luck, your going to need it.
Dear Motordrive. Wow. Ok.
1. I don't know what Nikon Cafe is.
2. I have ideas and am working it out. I would just like some input on quality and possibly the order in which I purchase this gear.
3. I've been in this hobby since 1975 when I was 8 years old. I'm just trying to be wise. As such, I'm just seeking people's opinions who have been involved with digital gear longer, and more intensely than I.
4. I'm not sure how I'm putting the cart before the horse. I know what I like to shoot. I know areas and gear where I've been negligent. I want to grow. So I'm asking questions.
5. "Best of luck, you're going to need it.

" I'm not sure what your problem is, but I'm sure there's a medication for it.
6. I believe you mean to use the verbal contraction "you're" when you instead type "your." Just trying to help.