Exquisite lighting and posing! I instantly liked this scene. I hope you don;t mind, but I saw a couple things I wanted to see altered, so I pulled the Original size into Lightroom and did two things. First, I cloned out that tiny,tiny spot on the edge of the window frame. Then, I cropped off a small amount on the left side of the frame, to focus a bit more attention on her line of gaze, and a tiny bit less on the veil. I also very subtly lightened the shot, to emphasize the beautiful,subtle highlights you captured. While I absolutely love the original lighting and pose, I wish there were a tiny bit more space above her head. Still, I LOVE, just LOVE, the subtlety, and the beautiful true profile pose she is in!
Here is my quick rework. I really,really think the lighting you captured is superb.
View attachment 49867
I actually think that by cropping off the extra bit of black to the left of the frame, that it adds a bit of emphasis to the veil, while at the same time, really strengthening the out-the-window gaze. This photo is well worthy of the name "study".