Vote by midnight or be shut off TPF...

209,873 registered members 43 votes
Over 400 views and only 43 votes.

I'd say you've got about a 10% voting rate. What's unusual about that?

it's because.........................

It's so d*@#$d difficult to chose one. :p

Over 400 views and only 43 votes.

I'd say you've got about a 10% voting rate. What's unusual about that?

Out of that 400 views, probably 250 of 'em were bots.
Snowbear should have entitled the thread: "Cute Puppy Photo". It would have gotten way more than a mere 400 views.

Not an easy decision. Some excellent candidates.

Thanks for the poke, NMG! (You might consider adding a link to the voting thread.)
Not every registered member checks in every day, but the thread had over 400 views, and still only 43 actual votes.
That's because I'm one of those that click REFRESH every few seconds to see if other people have voted. I only did that for about 6 minutes though ...

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