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TPF Noob!
Apr 21, 2014
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hi everyone (: i am new to this site...trying to seek some advice. i do not know a lot about photography, but any free chance i get i am trying! i have two little ones so it seems seldom these days.

anyway, i want to upgrade my camera body to a full frame, but right now, that is just not an option.

I have the Canon Rebel T3 currently and I mostly use the 50mm f/1.8 to take pictures...mostly of my girls. i really like the lens, but recently i don't like how "close up" it feels due to the crop factor of not having a full frame camera.

I am looking for something that has a wider angle and would work with my Rebel. I would like to get more of the background in my frame without my girls being so far away. I hope that makes sense. I know there are more technical terms, so please forgive me.

I have been looking at the 28mm f/1.8 lens. This would be cropped to about 45 mm using my Rebel camera body, right? Would I notice a big enough difference between the 50mm and the 28mm to warrant a purchase? Would the aperture on the 28mm still blur my backgrounds?

Thanks so much!

I would say that the original Canon 35mm f2 May fit the bill. The 28 is ok but if you take a close up it may cause distortions due focal length. In fact so will the 35 but they both should be ok if your back Far enough to get 2 people in the frame. To be honest a lot can be said for a zoom Lens and the Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 would be ideal for your needs
I would say that the original Canon 35mm f2 May fit the bill. The 28 is ok but if you take a close up it may cause distortions due focal length. In fact so will the 35 but they both should be ok if your back Far enough to get 2 people in the frame. To be honest a lot can be said for a zoom Lens and the Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 would be ideal for your needs

The 35mm would be good and would be wider than your 50mm. Are you dead set on prime lenses only? I just purchased a used Sigma 15-30mm f/3.5-4.5 and I really like it for shooting on my T3i. You do get barrel distortion at the 15mm end on some shots. I haven't tried to shoot portraits with it at the 30mm end, I may have to try that and post an example for you.
I really want to have a high f stop as well. any other suggestions?
You're asking one of the most-debated concerns in the DSLR world, but I'll tell you my viewpoint.

I had an XSi (450D) for a few decades now, a far more compact digicam than yours. Its base of the gun barrel with regards to indicator size, etc. But I improved everything around it with the reasoning that contacts and peripheral devices keep their value many times longer than a digicam whole body, at about the same price, which is the big benefits of DSLRs. I began with a 50mm f/1.4, then a great common objective 24-70mm f/2.8, and lastly a long-range 70-200mm f/2.8. After that I converted my interest to 580 quick flashes and a quality Gitzo tripod over the next few decades. All those things considerably improved my photography choices and capabilities, even with the weak, obsolete, entry-level whole body I was using.

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