Warning - all spiders :D


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Apr 10, 2010
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Nothing but spiders.....

Wrap-around Spider (Dolophones sp.). Selangor, Malaysia.
Dolophones sp. spider IMG_9848 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

Dolophones sp. spider IMG_9833 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

You know it's a good night when you see lots of swarming termites. Many happy spiders that night.
Heteropoda davidbowie huntsman spider enjoying its winged termite supper. Selangor, Malaysia.
Heteropoda davidbowie eating winged termite IMG_0049 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

Heteropoda davidbowie eating winged termite IMG_0060 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

A happy female Lichen Huntsman spider (Pandercetes sp.), enjoying her winged termite supper while guarding her egg sac at the same time. Selangor, Malaysia.
Pandercetes sp. with winged termite IMG_9948 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

This grey-bluish huntsman spider (which Heteropoda?).was one of the many happy ones. Selangor, Malaysia.
Sparassid with prey IMG_0015 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

Small huntsman spider(?) with a big (relatively) winged termite prey. Selangor, Malaysia.
Sparassid with prey IMG_9956 copy by Kurt (Hock Ping GUEK) orionmystery.blogspot.com, on Flickr

More tropical spiders: Tropical spiders | Up Close with Nature
Excellent detail, great set of photos! :)
It's spiderman;) Wonderful detail and wow that wrap around looks like part of the tree, I wouldn't want to accidentally put my hand there. creepies just thinking about it. Awesome shots.
Excellent detail, great set of photos! :)

It's spiderman;) Wonderful detail and wow that wrap around looks like part of the tree, I wouldn't want to accidentally put my hand there. creepies just thinking about it. Awesome shots.

The second picture of that wraparound spider, that's just magnificent! I kinda wish we had those around here.

Thanks for looking and commenting, Ec1981, DS, sm4him. Much appreciated!
Awesome, all of them. Number 2 is just incredible

I love these pictures and I think spiders are fascinating creatures but damn they're creepy
Again, my jaw dropped. Fantastic work, incredible composition, and how you do this without scaring them away is completely beyond me.
Awesome, all of them. Number 2 is just incredible

I love these pictures and I think spiders are fascinating creatures but damn they're creepy


Again, my jaw dropped. Fantastic work, incredible composition, and how you do this without scaring them away is completely beyond me.

Thanks for looking and commenting, much appreciated!

minicoop - they are normally very cooperative when they're feeding!
Absolutely incredible!
Please keep posting your macro photos. I'm amazed at every one of them that I come across. Great details and holy hell I wouldn't be anywhere near as close as you are. Those are a little intimidating and I normally don't mind spiders too much.
Awesome shots top notch

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