WARNING: Setting sun in 12 (!) photos

Makes me happy to see that you like these as well. All is thanks to nature and the wonderful sunset it offered me!
And I was happy I had let the little Powershot slip into the pocket of my anorak before we set out to the pool, Sabine and I, else I'd have missed this - not myself, but missed the chance to take these pics.
Myself I like the last best, I think, while Sabine went all over 10 when she saw these later last night.
The server at Picturetrail must be down, for I did not delete the pictures :cry: --- try later, will you. That yesterday's sunset was a bit special, indeed.

Edit: it is down. I don't have access, either, and this is the notification I get:


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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Dear PictureTrail visitor,

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our servers.
The support staff responds to such problems immediately. Please try again in a few minutes. If you see this message for a longer period of time please try again some time later. Although our staff reacts immediately to technical problems, these problems can sometimes take longer to resolve.

Sorry for the trouble and inconvenience.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
The PictureTrail Support Team.
Ah. Goodie. Their difficulties with their servers seem to be over, the pics are back :D.

Shall I show you today's sunset, too, and the river that no longer fits into her bed? For I have new ones :biggrin: ... but you decide.
Wow, fantastic shots. Beautiful colours. Just love the clouds on 3 and 8 and the colours from 9 onwards are just :shock:

Fantastic :thumbup:
Whoa....stunning shots. These are awesome Corinna. Cant pick a fave here.

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