Warren Dunes

Mike Lamb

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 7, 2009
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Mike I think I would've preferred if I saw more sky by going wider. The transition of the backdrop between the sky and the dunes I find wanting.
that or more dune and less sky? I like the concept but the composition just misses the mark for me.
Hmmmm.....as is, this isn't working for me. I like the desolate feel w/ the dead branches and sand, but you lose that w/ the clutter of all the trees on the left. W/ out seeing the location, I don't know if this would work or not, but maybe isolate a dead tree for a minimalist shot.
Keep shooting!!
Thanks all.
I like it - the location. and in this the birds swooping. Branch coming in from top-left corner bugs me a bit...I'd clone it out. I like the colors but imo you could also do some B&Ws here (really grainy and contrasty..red filter..polarizer)..keep going back.

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