Water fowl


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Oct 13, 2010
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I took this back in 2008 after receiving a Kodak C913 point-and-shoot for Christmas that year. A few days later we were down by the lake and I snapped a few shots of the ducks and geese there (this was in Phoenix).

We don't see many white geese around here... they all seem to be the Canada variety.

Come to think of it... I don't really think I've seen them anywhere other than that lake. There was always a good number of them too every year when we lived over that way. We have tons of Canadian geese here in MI, but I can't recall ever seeing white geese here.
About Duck and Geese Migration:

Occasionally I see small groups flying in various directions. A couple of hours ago I saw about 20 geese flying high and in the right direction (south). Those of you south of me, might spot them eventually. :)

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