Water Scenes - Midwest USA


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Taken during recent trip to southern Ohio and Indiana:


Cincinnati Bridges

Indiana Canal
I love riverboats! Great set - the third is my favorite. It looks so quaint.
Let's see if I can find the proper English word for what the horses do with the boat on that path right on the bank of that canal there... THE means of moving boats upstream or on canals for centuries... stupid dictionary does not have it! "treideln" is the German word for it.
Ah, these make me look forward to our week on a houseboat on the River Havel at the end of July. Will be cool. (But that houseboat will have a diesel engine...!)
LaFoto said:
Let's see if I can find the proper English word for what the horses do with the boat on that path right on the bank of that canal there... THE means of moving boats upstream or on canals for centuries... stupid dictionary does not have it! "treideln" is the German word for it.

English: "towing?" "hauling?"

The paths the animals walk on are called "towpaths."

Thanks for your usual unique response. Often, I post, thinking in the back of my mind: "What will LaFoto say about this?" :D
Very nice shots....the river boat brings back memories of New Orleans.

The song "old man river"....tow that barge, lift that bail....and connection with your picture? Men towing the barge?
Sounds a reasonable enough word for me. "To tow", of course. It`s only that there is this term in German, "treideln", which ONLY and exclusively means "to tow a barge", and the paths on the sides of the rivers and canals (which we have, too, many of which nowadays are walking paths or bicycle paths) are called "Treidelpfad".

Funny that you think before posting what I might say :D.
Oh, I like these!!!
And I have taught you a very special German word :D. "treideln" :D
I believe this must be SUCH a relaxing and quiet way of travelling the canals, unless you are the horses, of course (:er: ) --- these make me look forward so much to our week on board the boat on the River Havel ... that is going to be goooooood :D.

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