Website help!!!


TPF Noob!
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Columbus OH
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I have a smugmug account that holds all my events (weddings, portraits, etc..) for my clients. Now, I want to buld a website that allows me to have a link to my smugmug account. Most of the hosting companies I am looking at require that you use their services for printing. Does anyone know of a site where I can just build one from templates already created and inluded my smugmug link?

I am not very tech savy so the easier the site the better.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Why don't you just upgrade to the Professional package at SmugMug?
I have a smugmug account that holds all my events (weddings, portraits, etc..) for my clients. Now, I want to buld a website that allows me to have a link to my smugmug account. Most of the hosting companies I am looking at require that you use their services for printing. Does anyone know of a site where I can just build one from templates already created and inluded my smugmug link?

I am not very tech savy so the easier the site the better.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Hello there. I work for SmugMug so I would be happy to talk to you about our Pro account. Professional photo and video hosting- powered by SmugMug

It allows you to use your own Domain name and completely run your business.

Let me know!

Thank You! I actually already have a pro account but did not realize I could completely create my site there. However I would have no idea where to begin and how to start. Is there someone with smugmug that can help me walkthrouh what i need to do?

Thanks again for the responses!
OK I just took a look around at SmugMug, and I'm in love. And especially if you already have the pro account, why not?! :p

I'm going to go for the Power myself here shortly...hopefully...I just have to get all my files organized ;)

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