Wedding/DR trip


TPF Noob!
Sep 22, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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Here's a few photos I shot from my sisters wedding. I was showing a relative how I process them and the general concensus was people liked a softer image than I create I prefer really sharp maybe over processed. Below are a few curious if other agree they are over sharpened. I took a lot of photos and these are the only ones I put together on my laptop, not a ton of fun on the trip for me I got wasted and fell on a beer bottle and was told by the dr. no water activities. What a bummer!




DEFINITE over use of clarity. I LOVE sharp, but that is muddying up their skin tones and almost embossing your people.
They wanted soft focused pictures? Had they been drinking? Who asks for that? Seriously, who? If that was the case you could have just used a cheap-o p&c to shoot there pictures.
Clarity too high... correction brush too visible.
Can someone explain what clarity too high and correction brush means?
I would also suggest some form of ocf to illuminate the faces in the shots, even the use of the one on the camera. The images do not appear sharp. I agree with the others on the clarity.
All of these shots are underexposed by roughly 1/3 - 2/3rds of a stop.

If they're lacking in sharpness, it's due to the poor optical quality of the 18-270 f/3.5 - f/6.3 lens you are using. Combined with the overuse of clarity.

If you correct those few things, the images should look better, Josh.
Would you mind letting me work one of the originals? Sharp is one thing, this is not sharpening. It's actually working against your sharpness the way you have processed. you can either post in flickr or send me the raw at [email protected]
Are you on a well calibrated monitor?

Can someone explain what clarity too high and correction brush means?
By using the clarity slider in LR/Adobe camera he is getting the dark edges to everything here and the nearly embossed look.
The correction/adjustment brushes allow you to correct something that doesn't affect the whole image. So if maybe the sky was too bright you would use the brush to bring it down in exposure while keeping the subjects still in the same exposure. If you are not careful you will see editing halo's around the subjects that were not corrected when using the brush. Such as the light area around the groom's head in image 3 or the side of the gentlemen in #1
K Mleek, I sent something your way. I realize the lens was not the best lens. It's part of the reason I would never shoot weddings I just don't see how it's possible to do it unless you have 2 cameras on your side and are very fast at switching lenses. I had my 50 and 100mm lenses but I put them on for seconds. The wedding shots are a little under exposed not sure why I usually shoot 1-2 stops over I was outside on my laptop when editing them so I might have missed the mark on editing those. The Pano is my favorite shot... I like this one too, I've got roughly 3000 photos and only about 3-5 processed hopefully I will correct my processing technique early before I go through all the shots.

The pano shot is gorgeous. Still looks a little overdone though.
Hmmmm... I got nothing on this end? did you email? [email protected]? Maybe upload to something like
Wait, did you say you fell on a beer bottle?

K I will try uploading to a site, I got a bounce bag due to size. I fell on a broken beer bottle... I wish I had known how great 3rd world country medical help was the most painful thing was unwrapping the paper towel used to try to stop the bleeding after I passed out for a couple hours and the DR said I was pretty dumb for waiting so long but luckily it looks like I will be keeping my entire finger... Another part of the reason I didn't really switch lenses I only had one hand to use.
shootermcgavin said:
Here's a few photos I shot from my sisters wedding. I was showing a relative how I process them and the general concensus was people liked a softer image than I create I prefer really sharp maybe over processed. Below are a few curious if other agree they are over sharpened. I took a lot of photos and these are the only ones I put together on my laptop, not a ton of fun on the trip for me I got wasted and fell on a beer bottle and was told by the dr. no water activities. What a bummer!

That sucks about the beer bottle! Glad your OK!

I was wondering what happened to you!!! ;)

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