Well, while I'm here...


TPF Noob!
Mar 10, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I haven't been on TPF in a while, and came on to get some technical advice. I figured since I was here I'd post some images for some CC.
I always get scared to do this, especially when some people are so bent on "crushing noobs". (I'm not really a noob, but I feel sometimes my work looks like it :meh:) LOL Well, here goes:
These are from my most recent project. This is my husbands cousin and his bride.
They look to be underexposed and the colors are rather muted. Because of this they seem kind of ominous and grey; not really the best mood for wedding portraits, well, unless that's what they asked for. I also don't like the background in 3. It's very cluttered and distracting. It doesn't add anything to the image.
What is going on with the dress in #1? Ouch.

Two is underexposed.

Three should be cropped a bit tighter, only keeping the bottom right of the frame.

And 4, well, eh...
No offense but these do look like Noob photos.

#1 there is someone behind the bride, distracting. And whats up with dad's expression.
#2 perspective is awfully crooked as seen from the posts leaning badly. I would straighten that and crop off the left side where that person is past that post.
#3 decent but lots of extra dead space above the heads.
#4 i would crop in tighter on the hands. Always a good shot.

And as for fearing critiques, embrace them whole hearted. Let them absorb for a while and see if they truly hold merit. If they do the act on that advice. It will make your photography stronger. There are good people here and the advice while it can be harsh at time is usually pretty spot on and truthful. It will only make you stronger.
DiskoJoe said:
No offense but these do look like Noob photos.

#1 there is someone behind the bride, distracting. And whats up with dad's expression.
#2 perspective is awfully crooked as seen from the posts leaning badly. I would straighten that and crop off the left side where that person is past that post.
#3 decent but lots of extra dead space above the heads.
#4 i would crop in tighter on the hands. Always a good shot.

And as for fearing critiques, embrace them whole hearted. Let them absorb for a while and see if they truly hold merit. If they do the act on that advice. It will make your photography stronger. There are good people here and the advice while it can be harsh at time is usually pretty spot on and truthful. It will only make you stronger.

Not when you have prison tats
They photos are decent, they could use some post processing, but overall they are good I'd say. You can crop/straighten the pics that need it and adjust curves to correct exposure.

I don't like criticism on here.. there's constructive criticism, and then there's being a doucheballoon. Most criticism on here I've noticed is the latter. However there are some really good people to take advice from.
ceejtank said:
They photos are decent, they could use some post processing, but overall they are good I'd say. You can crop/straighten the pics that need it and adjust curves to correct exposure.

I don't like criticism on here.. there's constructive criticism, and then there's being a doucheballoon. Most criticism on here I've noticed is the latter. However there are some really good people to take advice from.

So you think they look good in the photo it is down to the photographer to show them in their best light, i would have avoided any shots of the hands
For the shot of their hands - you have to remember - they are THEIR hands. They know what they look like, for artistic shots sometimes its hard to see if someone will like it or not, not everyone will. I for instance think picasso's paintings are terrible. Lots of people love them. Artistic shots (such as the hands) are at the discretion of the viewer, they arent for everyone. Only thing I would have done differently in that shot is put the hands (focal point) off center, using the rule of thirds.
The lighting in all of them is pretty flat, and there is no 'pop' or separation of the subjects from the background.

IMO #1 should have been shot as a vertical.
^^ What everyone else said. And...

I'd politely tell the groom to close his hand in #4, unless of course, the gang ink is an important image the couple wish to convey to viewers.
The last three look like they are soft. I don't think it's a big deal using the hands, it's their hands, and that isn't the biggest issue here, focus is, exposures and composition are. I'm sorry but these don't look like they have been shot by someone that is suppose to be a professional or someone that understands light and composure. I won't use the word noob, that would imply that the op was one. It is stated that only the photos look noob like, which is correct.
I agree with a lot of the critique put forth thus far in the thread. You do have some work that needs to be done in regards to composition and background control. #2 is also badly out of focus from what I can tell.

Not when you have prison tats

Where is there any indication that they're prison tattoos? You appear to be blindly making an assumption, Gary. I have a tattoo, does that mean I went to prison?

So you think they look good in the photo it is down to the photographer to show them in their best light, i would have avoided any shots of the hands

What the photographer may perceive to be "showing the client in their best light" may actually offend the client. Tattoos are becoming increasingly more common by the day. Just because you're put off by them, doesn't mean that others are. It also certainly doesn't mean that a client should feel inclined to hide a part of their body because of your personal viewpoints IMO.

I'd politely tell the groom to close his hand in #4, unless of course, the gang ink is an important image the couple wish to convey to viewers.

WHERE does anyone state that the tattoos are gang related? Why are people making such assumptions about tattoos? Apparently the only negative image that would be conveyed only explicitly applies to people who negatively stereotype people with tattoos in the first place. Like I stated before, I have a tattoo. Does that mean I am a member of the Bloods, Crips, or possibly the Latin Kings?

Is judging people via photos posted on the internet without any information pertaining to their personal life the "new and cool" thing to do? Did I miss that memo?
I agree with a lot of the critique put forth thus far in the thread. You do have some work that needs to be done in regards to composition and background control. #2 is also badly out of focus from what I can tell.

Not when you have prison tats

Where is there any indication that they're prison tattoos? You appear to be blindly making an assumption, Gary. I have a tattoo, does that mean I went to prison?

So you think they look good in the photo it is down to the photographer to show them in their best light, i would have avoided any shots of the hands

What the photographer may perceive to be "showing the client in their best light" may actually offend the client. Tattoos are becoming increasingly more common by the day. Just because you're put off by them, doesn't mean that others are. It also certainly doesn't mean that a client should feel inclined to hide a part of their body because of your personal viewpoints IMO.

I'd politely tell the groom to close his hand in #4, unless of course, the gang ink is an important image the couple wish to convey to viewers.

WHERE does anyone state that the tattoos are gang related? Why are people making such assumptions about tattoos? Apparently the only negative image that would be conveyed only explicitly applies to people who negatively stereotype people with tattoos in the first place. Like I stated before, I have a tattoo. Does that mean I am a member of the Bloods, Crips, or possibly the Latin Kings?

Is judging people via photos posted on the internet without any information pertaining to their personal life the "new and cool" thing to do? Did I miss that memo?

I agree. If the person is proud of his body and ink, then why hide it? As someone who works with the public, one must keep such thoughts to themselves. It's important to make the client happy
I agree with a lot of the critique put forth thus far in the thread. You do have some work that needs to be done in regards to composition and background control. #2 is also badly out of focus from what I can tell.

Not when you have prison tats

Where is there any indication that they're prison tattoos? You appear to be blindly making an assumption, Gary. I have a tattoo, does that mean I went to prison?

So you think they look good in the photo it is down to the photographer to show them in their best light, i would have avoided any shots of the hands

What the photographer may perceive to be "showing the client in their best light" may actually offend the client. Tattoos are becoming increasingly more common by the day. Just because you're put off by them, doesn't mean that others are. It also certainly doesn't mean that a client should feel inclined to hide a part of their body because of your personal viewpoints IMO.

I'd politely tell the groom to close his hand in #4, unless of course, the gang ink is an important image the couple wish to convey to viewers.

WHERE does anyone state that the tattoos are gang related? Why are people making such assumptions about tattoos? Apparently the only negative image that would be conveyed only explicitly applies to people who negatively stereotype people with tattoos in the first place. Like I stated before, I have a tattoo. Does that mean I am a member of the Bloods, Crips, or possibly the Latin Kings?

Is judging people via photos posted on the internet without any information pertaining to their personal life the "new and cool" thing to do? Did I miss that memo?

I like tats, but not homemade, i have worked in lots of prisons and those are the sort of tats they have

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