What are you reading these days?

im reading under the tuscan sun and a book of sylvia plath poetry
plus i was half way through two towers but as always, got sidetracked.
So "Da Vinci Code" is a good one huh? Ihave seen alot of people reading this book, I figured it must be, just haven't got around to purchasing it.
I've got to put my camera down in my spare time and pick up a book. I feel like it's been ages since I got through anything. The last thing I read was "On the Road", sometime last year. And I used to be a manic reader. :cry:
Manda, looks like you're wearing my shirt! :lol:
sorry walt, thats mine she's wearing, i left it over there one day

:::walks out of forum slowly:::

:oops: :oops:


p.s. Im on Book 7 of the wheel of time series by Robert Jordan
I'm sure it looks better on her!!! :blackeye: :D

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