
TPF Noob!
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
New York City/ Long Island
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
What kinda pictures are the easiest (sorry if thats spell't wrong) to sell? i am more photojournalistic kinda guys and i enjoy taken photographs of events as well as people just laying around. So i find it kinda hard to sell pictures that are more personal like that. I have sold some landscape pictures and found that people from a certain area often like pictures of there town. Does that mean those are the easiest ones to sell or am i mistaken ?! PLEASE HELP!!!
I think somethings that sell are what people have already decided
they need: commercial photographic services - weddings, interior
shots of premises and products - project assignments.

Pictures that help them promote what they do and get them more
Yes well composed porn with rot, leading lines ( preferrably curvy ones ) and excellent lighting.

full depth of field, no bokeh.
Animal/nature pics sell quite well. Depending what they are on. Put them or for a fact cityscapes on nice postcards and, people will buy them. Im getting ready to set up with some of the local gas stations to do just that to supplement my income. You might try pet pics if you are good with animals. People will pay for good ones.
Good animal/nature, and flower macros.
People seem to like scene shots from places they'd like to go-- so gorgeous landscapes, European scenes, etc.
Porn with rot...? I'm sure this is some term I'm misunderstanding, but that sounds pretty nasty lol.

i don't even consider it porn unless it has a touch of rot....
What kinda pictures are the easiest (sorry if thats spell't wrong) to sell?

Hrrmmm... if you have problems with the word "easiest" we may have a few challenges here. :lol:

The easiest pictures to sell are the ones your client asks you for and you deliver to their satisfaction on.

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