What camera should I upgrade to?

I really don't understand what you are trying to show with the white house pics.

But ok, you must be joking here, because your comments don't make any sense.
To resume all this.
Nikon and Canon are both good brands.
Somethings (image quality, dynamic range and high ISO performance) are better at Nikon side, some others (like autofocus, video) are better on the Canon side.
The pros don't only use Canon (even if they did, that's not what defines what's better).

I was just correcting your sentence - "You will get better "IQ" image quality with Canon, better AF, selection of lens, etc."
That's not true.

[End of Offtopic]
Nikon has the better dynamic range on all other equivalent Canon cameras, this is important if you process your own RAW files.
Pro's use both Canon and Nikon's, spoke to many pro's about their choice of one brand over the other and none said because its better then the other one.
AF in some models is better then other depends or what model of Canon you compare with Nikon but in most cases the differences are VERY small either way.

Canon vs Nikon........sheesh we will always have this debate until Sony will kick both of them of stage if they dont wake up and get with the mirrorless program.

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