What is your #1 photography goal for 2015?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 13, 2008
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I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I'm curious to see what is everyone's photography goal for 2015? Whether it is business, technical, or artistic aspect of photography. What do you want to accomplish this year?
I want to get better with people photos, using bounced flash especially.
To develop my own B&W films and also to try my hand at wet printing.
To take better photos.
Finish my 52wk project, continue to progress with landscape and people photography, continue to chronicle my kids growing up.
Seriously though, I'd just like to get more acclimated to the area I'm living in now through making friends, and getting less in my own head when out and about, looking for contacts, or asking a publication about shooting for them.
I'm currently planning a large-scale conceptual shoot which will be shot in April - had a production meeting with the model and costume maker last night. Still looking for an MUA. Can't wait for that.

And to start getting enough regular actor headshots (my chosen career path) to maybe consider leaving the day job :)
Basically, to shoot more...
I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I'm curious to see what is everyone's photography goal for 2015? Whether it is business, technical, or artistic aspect of photography. What do you want to accomplish this year?
well im sure its a comon one but i would like to increase my busines volume and get better with conducting my wildlife photography workshops
Stay busy shooting, be more tolerant of "amateur professionals" Keep chasing my one perfect image. Above all, spend time with my new grand son.
1. is to not suck as bad. but 2. is more cat pics.

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