What kind of camera were you using 12 years ago

i was using a 2027 Nikoltanon - standard equipment in the time machine
Yashica T* with the Zeiss lens..wooooT
I'm not sure why you had to yell your swell response, I offered up an interesting question as the 12 year point was just prior to the big digital change. I was shooting film, I had 2 EOS 1 bodies and 4 F1 bodies.

So Tyler what seems to be your boggle? The question makes perfect sense, if the young ones on here are 20-25 years old that puts them at an age where owning a camera was out of reach. Is that what is so hilarious? I guess I just didn't understand the point of your large font, do you have large font envy, can you explain?

You posted an elitist comment, coming off as being better then a certain group of people, then failed to adhere to the classification of your own 'superior' group. That's just embarrassing.

To be honest, it's all about interpretation. Your comment wasn't elitist by nature but it certainly is open to interpretation as such.
I was somewhere "between" 35mm and digital.

I put down my 35mm equipment in '88 shortly after I got married again. Whenever I had some (rare) occassion to take pictures, I simply picked up one of those disposable Kodak cameras, took the 24 or 36 shots, and took the whole shootin' match to the drugstore for processing.

I finally went digital about 2002 when I had some stuff to sell on ebay. First a point and shoot, and now, DSLR with too much glass!
I wish I could answer this as im only 22 now and 10 then. Lets see maybe my eyes which have the fastest AF of any camera to date.

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My fathers brand new Fujifilm P&S digital camera, it had a HUGE 2mp sensor ;) - that cost about 800$ :). i remember it was a very big deal to have a digital camera 12 years ago :D
Hmm, up until about 6 years ago I was still shooting with my Canon New F-1, Canon T-90, and a Bronica SQ-A.
That was around the time that I bought my Konica Z-UP 115e, which I still have, use and love. Before that I was mainly using a Canon AF-7 and a Polaroid (I forget which model).
Couple of OM-4's.. with a T45 flash! That thing was a beast!

EDIT: Oops! Time was off... that would have been 22 years ago! lol! Senior moment!
Well.. this was taken around 12 years ago

I can't say for sure 12 years ago but I believe it was between 2000-2002 I had a handy dandy 2mp nikon coolpix and ya know what...that thing was better than any point and shoot POS I've had since! PS...whats up with the pissing contests all the time? Can't we all just get along???

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