What site for a portfolio?


TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2007
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What is really a good site to store the pictures I am taking. Two reasons for doing that. One, since I am taking lots of pictures lately, I want to make sure I store them properly. Second, eventually I would like to be event photographer, therefore I would like to use the site as a portfolio.
Flickr and JAlbum.net are great sites.

JAlbum is for portfolio flickr for storage
I've used Pbase for years. You can setup folders to permit only those you give a password to see that folder. I know other sites do the same, but is seems Pbase is just a more class act.
PBase definately has a nicer interface, but I think for a budding 'Tog, there is nothing wrong with spending $25/year on a pro account over at Flicker to showcase their work. You can set up slideshows, there are no monthly upload limits.

I feel that the more serious photographers go to PBase, but then again, it's been around a while longer and that stems more from preference than any actual reasons to prefer them (interface aside).
I've been checking out the pay sites that host portfolio's and I like foliolink. Averages out to just under $20/month and they have some good flash templates. The downside, is they have few templates, so everyone's portfolio's seem to have the same look and feel. However on the upside it appears you get your own URL. I don't know how well it does for professional photographers, but just as an online album without pop-ups and advertising, I think it gives off a very good look for one's photo's. Mind you, I haven't made my own descision yet and won't be for a couple of more month;s - but this site is leading the pack at the moment for me.

flikr and photobucket are pretty good for storing pictures, i use them both, but for a portfolio i think you would be better off with a blogger blog or a carbonmade,com thingy, i prefer the blogger myself but also have a carbonmade and it's alright to showcase your stuff
Another vote for PBase..

I use both Pbase and flickr.. Prefer PBase..

Maybe i am just lucky but too me, the photographers on pbase are much more willing to help than those on flickr
Is registering a domain name and constructing a "portfolio" website completely out of the question? Do you have any HTML or Flash savvy friends?

I use http://www.doteasy.com/ for my site ( which is still in construction), and they are great (no downtime, free hosting option with 100MB storage, no banner ads, 1GB monthly transfer, etc.) Registering a domain is only $25/year too. It's a great place to start in my opinion - especially if your endeavors are to become an event photographer; might as well have that .(dot)com.

Good luck!
just make your own, its really easy to do using photoshop or something similar... simpleviewer is a really cool flash based one, but you need to have some html knowledge to do it.

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