White Background


TPF Noob!
Nov 6, 2006
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Hi. I know what white background is. But i cant get it to work. It is when you focus in on the subject with no white background, then back up, ignore light meter flashing. But when i back away, the light meter does not flash. ( It should flash because i got the shudder speed and apture when i was close to subject) Any help?? :confused:
Are you asking how to get a true white background? You have to light the background separate from the subject and overexposure it by a certain amount depending on what you are using for your background. With superwhite background paper a stop and a half gives a great looking white.
i think the reason that your meter is not flashing is because it is still within +/- two stops. at least that is how my camera is. even though you may under/over exposing the shot it is not a lot. the only time it should blink is if you go below/over two stops(or however many stops your meter shows).

someone else may be able to explain it better....but that is a very simple version.

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