White-Bellied Emerald in the Lantana


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 3, 2019
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Corozal, Belize
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The Lantana I relocated to my backyard from the jungle has taken off and is attracting hummingbirds. So I got this one earlier this morning.

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Very nice image! I love lantana! And hummers!

I really do like the Lantana as well, I just wish it grew bushier rather than "spindly" if you know what I mean? I'm trying to train/prune it to grow up and around an archway. I have a different -unidentified- flowering vine growing up the other side but it all needs time to fill out.

The hummingbirds visit thru out the day and it is a matter of parking myself in a chair and waiting for a bit. More to follow...
I really do like the Lantana as well, I just wish it grew bushier rather than "spindly" if you know what I mean? I'm trying to train/prune it to grow up and around an archway. I have a different -unidentified- flowering vine growing up the other side but it all needs time to fill out.

The hummingbirds visit thru out the day and it is a matter of parking myself in a chair and waiting for a bit. More to follow...
The Spruce is one of my goto places for information on plants and aquariums and all sorts of things. This is their page on Lantana care.
Nice catch and in the wild!
Nice catch and in the wild!


I had only ever photographed hummingbirds on and around feeders back in the US. That was challenging enough. Even though this plant is in my back yard, it is MUCH tougher to get shots. I've managed to get some while walking around but they were all from a tree in my neighbor's yard that I knew attracted them.
The garden (and landscaping in general) is a work in progress and I am always keeping my eyes open for something else to plant with "attracting hummingbirds" a major consideration.

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